I know I have been absent from the blogging world for quite a while now, but with the decision to homeschool, I feel it would be useful to return, to get support and to track our progress with this and lend a hand to any other new homeschoolers or anyone out there considering it.
We have decided, with much thought and prayer, that we will homeschool our youngest children. We started Pre-K at home this year with Ava (4). This was supposed to be our trial period, to see if this would work for us, but as months have passed, I feel our eyes have been opened to so many things. It is no longer a trial. The decision has been made that this is what we both want for our children and we are excited and looking forward to all of it!
My husband and I have had many discussions this past year on this topic. Why? Well, for many reasons, that I may talk about later. My baby girl is now 4 and I was trying to deal with the emotions of having to send her off to school soon. Am I homeschooling her because I don't want to be away from her? No. I will admit that this has helped drive me to this decision, though.
Ultimately, it is because I am responsible for my kids and who they become. I can't send them off to school and expect my kids to learn what I would want them to learn. Sure they would be taught to read and write and many other things important, but...they would most definitely also be taught so many things that I do NOT want them to learn. I'm sure you know what I mean.
I know many people see learning about the 'real' world as important to their social skills, but I do not. I do not think that they need to witness (especially at such an early age) the cruelty of the world, in order to survive. These are things they will learn eventually, I would just like to help mold them into good, thoughtful, well rounded people first, to ensure that the 'real' world doesn't play too much a part in who they become.
You may be asking...But don't they need to learn how to deal with bullying and such things, because they will have to once they are grown? No. I heard a homeschooling mom answer this question with the response....As adults, we have a choice. We do not HAVE to surround ourselves with people we don't like. We do not HAVE to put up with a mean boss or mean co-workers. And why on earth would we want our children to be taught that they must put up with such things. We DO have a choice, and that's what I want to teach my kids.
To move on....My husband and I are very happy with this decision. We have decided not to homeschool our oldest daughter for other reasons we have. Although, that could change in the future, we''ll see. But that's what is best for our family, and what's great...is that it's our choice! We are doing what we believe to be best for our family, and we couldn't be more excited.
We both find ourselves getting so excited about teaching the kids different things and watching them learn. The possibilities with homeschooling are endless and it's so exciting!
So now I am on to a whole new chapter of my life!