Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's For Dinner?

Is this a common phrase around your house? Are you constantly stressing about what to make for dinner? Try doing this....

This is what we do so that we are not constantly worried about what to fix for dinner. At the end of every week, my husband and I sit down together and create a menu of our meals for the next week. This way we can do our grocery shopping around what is on our menu for the week. This also helps out our budget because we buy ONLY what we need. And when our oldest daughter asks "what's for dinner?" we just refer her to the menu that's posted on our refrigerator.

Oh and another way we save a little money is by having 'Leftover' night every week.Whenever we have food leftover from a meal, we divide it up into personal portions and freeze. When leftover night rolls around we thaw out our frozen meals of choice.

This is what our 'Menu' looks like for this week....

MONDAY: Vegetable Soup

TUESDAY: Honey-Jalapeno Chicken and Dill Rice (Yummy!)

WEDNESDAY: Mexican Cornbread

THURSDAY: Leftovers

FRIDAY: Sausage Links

SATURDAY: Breakfast Food (yes we love having breakfast for dinner!)

SUNDAY: Jamboli (Family Night....the kids fix dinner this night)



  1. I meal plan for a month and do Once a Month Cooking--saves booku bucks and I never do the 4 o'clock dash to see what I can whip up in the way of healthy, tasty food my kids will eat! :)

    AND if you ever need a good cooking site my fav is frontier kitchen (the button is on my site) or you can google it.

  2. We do this, too. I actually have a 2 week menu, and it really saves my sanity!

  3. We should shoot for 2 weeks, but we usually end up needing to go to the store for random items every week anyway, so shopping weekly isn't a big deal for us.

    I would really like to try doing the Once A Month Cooking that Reagan suggested above,that is, if I thought I could dedicate a whole day to cooking.

    Planning ahead at all is great, I think. It does help you keep your sanity and makes cooking a little more fun when the stress of it is eased by already knowing what you're having.
